“My First Film” è stato presentato in anteprima al CPH:DOX film festival di quest’anno e sarà in streaming in esclusiva su MUBI dal 6 settembre 2024.
Zia Anger, regista e artista visiva acclamata, ha una carriera ricca di successi nel cinema indipendente e sperimentale. Il suo cortometraggio “I Remember Nothing” (2015) ha avuto la sua prima mondiale al New Directors/New Films del MoMA e del Lincoln Center, seguito dalla première internazionale al Locarno Film Festival. “My Last Film” (2015) ha debuttato al 53° New York Film Festival. Nel 2018, Anger ha iniziato a presentare in tournée la performance My First Film, che The New Yorker ha incluso tra i “Sessantadue film che hanno plasmato l’arte del documentario”. Anger è nota anche per i suoi innovativi video musicali per artisti come Mitski, Beach House, Maggie Rogers e Jenny Hval. Nel 2015, è stata inclusa tra i “25 New Faces of Independent Film” di Filmmaker Magazine e ha ricevuto una borsa di studio in film/video dalla New York Foundation for the Arts. Nel 2016, ha partecipato al Sundance Institute Screenwriters Intensive.
“My First Film” by Zia Anger opens the Nòt Film Fest in collaboration with MUBI

“My First Film” previewed at this year's CPH:DOX film festival and will be streamed exclusively on MUBI from September 6, 2024.
Zia Anger, an acclaimed director and visual artist, has a career rich in successes in independent and experimental cinema. Her short film “I Remember Nothing” (2015) had its world premiere at MoMA and Lincoln Center's New Directors/New Films, followed by its international premiere at the Locarno Film Festival. “My Last Film” (2015) debuted at the 53rd New York Film Festival. In 2018, Anger began touring the performance My First Film, which The New Yorker included among the “Sixty-two films that shaped the art of documentary”. Anger is also known for her innovative music videos for artists such as Mitski, Beach House, Maggie Rogers, and Jenny Hval. In 2015, she was included in Filmmaker Magazine’s “25 New Faces of Independent Film” and received a film/video fellowship from the New York Foundation for the Arts. In 2016, she participated in the Sundance Institute Screenwriters Intensive.